News flash!

It's been a long time since I've written flash.

Actually that's a lie. I always write flash, even when I'm writing novels, especially my first Something Beginning With which was written as a form of alphabetical flash!

Better then to say that it's been a long time since I sent my flashes out as possible little sparks rather than keeping them tucked up in my journal so it's been lovely they have been finding homes. And to have the further good news that two of them have been chosen for both the forthcoming 2019 Best Microfiction and 2019 Best Shorts anthologies.

Here are those stories if you'd like to read them, thank you so much to all the editors for picking them:

I'm also really happy that another story, Safekeeping, will be in the National Flash Fiction Day Anthology, and will appear there for its first time.

A special thank you to the legendary Meg Pokrass for helping me get my Flash mojo back and being so encouraging.

In other news, I'm getting ready to be one of the writers in residence at the Alde Valley Spring Festival next month. If you're in Suffolk and visiting the festival, do get in touch to say hello. It looks completely magic and I am counting the days.

But before that, there are still a few places left in my writing workshops on Sunday 5th May at Chiddingstone Literary Festival. The castle is another beautiful writing home, bursting with inspiration for us all. The books at the top are from the library, where the workshops will take place.

And of course, if you haven't seen it, my TEDx talk is now up - In Praise of Every Day Words - it's written especially for  all of us word geeks and dictionary nerds.


Something to do....


At last, I can share my TEDx talk with you - in praise of everyday words