sixty artist dates

1. Write three letters to people you normally correspond with by email. Find something to include to send to them, even if it’s just a tea bag

2. Make a mixed tape – remember those? Pick a theme - home, winter, pick-me-up – and make a playlist of songs that fit. Extra points if you do an actual mix tape!

3. Write a list of 100 things that would terrify you to do (eg do a stand up comedy act)

4. Research the recipe for a fancy cocktail and dress up to drink it

5. Pick a letter – any letter – and go for a walk to take photographs of things beginning with that letter.

6. Bake bread

7. Swim in a river

8. Swim in a lido

9. Design a herb garden – could you grow it on your windowsill?

10. Take your yoga mat to a park and practise under a tree

11. Buy five books from a charity shop, write a note in each and leave them for others to find

12. Go to a new café and enjoy an excellent breakfast

13. Pack a yummy picnic and a good book to go to a new park, roll out a rug, put your phone to one side, and enjoy

14. Visit your library and choose five books at random to read

15. Join in on a life-drawing class

16. Make the kind of dressing up box you always wanted as a child

17. Take a selfie dressed as the main character of a book you’re reading

18. Make biscuits and give to friends

19. Go to a public lecture about a subject you know nothing about (not hard!)

20. Visit a cemetery you haven’t been to before and make notes

21. Write a fan letter. Send it

22. Enjoy an afternoon watching TED talks – choose ones about subjects you’ve never thought about before

23. Go to a concert of a completely new music to you

24. Take a boat trip

25. Paint or draw a self portrait

26. Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen for ten years

27. Make a playlist of music you haven’t listened to for ten years. Who were you then?

28. Plan a road trip round childhood haunts

29. Make a list of 100 things that make you happy

30. Make a miniature garden – as small as you can. You don’t have to use real plants, just your imagination

31. Visit a part of your town you never normally go to – get lost

32. Learn a poem by heart

33. Record yourself reading poetry

34. Go on a guided walk

35. Go to a café and plot out a novel you’ll never write

36. Dance

37. Go foraging

38. Speak to at least five strangers today – even if it’s just to say hello

39. Plant seeds

40. Buy seeds (or visit a seed swap) and make beautiful seed packets to send to friends

41. Go to a chocolate shop and spend a long time choosing just five chocolates to buy

42. Have your own indoor fireworks show

43. Make a photo book of the photographs that make you happy

44. Get a tattoo

45. Go to a matinee

46. Create a vision board on Pinterest for you when I’m 80

47. Create a playlist to give to a friend full of songs that make you think of them

48. Buy a second hand book and create a Blackout poem

49. Go to 5 Rhythms dance

50. Go to a park and identify five trees – make a zine

51. Try on an outfit you’d never normally wear

52. Sit in on a jury trial

53. Go to the opera – research the music fully beforehand

54. Go to a lunchtime talk at a local gallery or museum

55. Find the perfect red lipstick

56. Go to a historic house near you that you haven’t visited before

57. Take note of, and research, the statues you walk past every day

58. Go to a market – choose interesting looking items, make a still life. Photograph it.

59. Pick three things in your house that you enjoy using, and research where they come from, who makes them, is there a story behind them? If there isn’t, could you make one up?

60. Make your own list of 60 Artists Dates you’d enjoy going on.


Share your artist date ideas and photos of your real life artists dates using the hashtag #30everydaywords. And don’t forget to tag me on instagram or twitter - @sarahsalway. I’d love to see what you come up with!

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