day fifteen


Today I invite you to write about what you would like to achieve over the next year, but with a difference. Go on to this website, Random Word Generator, and ask for five random words. 

Now this is the fun bit, because you’re going to insert them somehow into your freewrite about your goals for the year ahead.

It’ll feel clunky, maybe even silly, but it’ll stop you…

a) censoring yourself on what you can or can’t do because your critical mind will be busy fitting in the words, and/or

b) going over the old tired ground you might otherwise travel over. Heck, you might even have fun! 


Share your writing, thoughts, or what your daily writing practice looks like using the hashtag #30everydaywords and tag me on instagram or twitter - @sarahsalway. I’d love to see what you write!


day fourteen


day sixteen